Fundación ProAves – por la conservación en el país de las aves

Sustainability of Reserves

10 February, 2015

Kiosco paujil
Reserva Natural de las Aves El Paujil

Bird watching excursions and nature conservation  In a pioneering initiative in Colombia, ProAves provide bird watching excursions and nature observation of high quality and safety, 100% of the contributions are destined to support our Reserves. With the support of many donors, ProAves has established a spectacular network of 26 nature reserves that protect a little over 95.000 acres all conserved in perpetuity; also our reserves protect 60% of threatened birds in Colombia, over 1000 species of birds, numerous amphibians, mammals and other threatened species. Visits to the Reserve: contact the ProAves main office in Bogota at Carrera 20 No. 36 61, Bogotá, Colombia. Tels. (571) 340-3229 – 3403261. or   


Check Availability:

El Dorado Reserve

botón Ingles

Las Tángaras Reserve  

botón Ingles TripAdvisor

Piha Reserve

botón Ingles TripAdvisor

El Paujil Reserve

botón InglesTripAdvisor

Colibrí del Sol Reserve

botón Ingles

Cerúlea Reserve

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Chamicero del Perijá Reserve

botón Ingles